How to check if your website has been copied?
The Internet provides many tools that you can take advantage of to check if your content is copied and republished by criminals without proper attribution or permission.
The two most popular and effective are Google Alerts, Tracking Notifications, and Copyscape.

Google Alerts
One of the simplest and most effective tools to detect stolen content is Google alerts. It is easy to use and requires no assistance.
You can visit Google alerts, insert a section of your article, specify the types of websites that Google should verify, and then provide the email address that will receive the results.
There are no limits to the number of alerts you can create. Also, you can modify the settings to suit you depending on whether you want to receive notifications every day, week or depending on when it happens.
Urban Landscape
Copyscape is a great alternative for websites that host a large amount of content. But, unlike Google Alert, it is not completely free.
It can provide basic results. However, premium results come at a cost. As you will discover, they are detailed and worth every penny.
You just have to provide your URL and Copyscapes will do the rest. It will give you a list of every URL that republishes your content and the exact parts they copied. Here you can also set up automatic plagiarism alerts.
Trackback Notifications
These are notifications provided by popular platforms and hosting sites like WordPress, Movable Type, and Drupal.
They alert the webmaster and owners the instant another URL links to their content. Links can usually indicate whether a site is republishing or copying your posts.

How can I check for duplicate content on my website?
When it comes to duplicate content, it can be both ways. This means that you also run the risk of republishing someone's content because some niches are so saturated.
To check for duplicate content, you can use Copyscape, Grammarly, SmallSEOtools, or other plagiarism checkers.
How to remove duplicate content?
The first step you should take when you notice that your content has been copied by another website is to contact the offender.
Most webmasters and bloggers provide their email addresses, content details, or contact form on their websites. So you might just go in to have duplicate content removed. But it shouldn't surprise you if many content thieves ignore your emails.
If this happens, you should consider reporting duplicate content.
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